


Medicated oil, buttermilk, etc are poured in a continuous stream on the head or body in a prescribed manner. The patient is made to sit on a wooden bed called Dhroni specially made for his purpose. This is found useful in chronic migraine, insomnia, ear, nose, throat diseases, neuropathy, spondylitis, paraplegia etc.


The prescribed medicated oil, lukewarm, is poured on the head through a specially made cap. It is effective in eye, nose and ear diseases, chronic headaches, facial paralysis, spondilytis, insomnia etc.


Application of herbalised paste over the scalp. It shows incredible benefits in curing headache and dandruff. It also shows improvement in cases of facial paralysis, disorders of eye and improves sleep, memory, etc.


Ayurvedic treatment is of two types – Purificatory and Pacificatory (Shodhana and Shamana). Of these, the purifcatory are of five types and is termed as Panchakarma.: Vasti, Vamana, Virechana, Nasya and Raktamoksha, which eliminates toxins from the body, achieves deep cleansing without discomfort, allowing the rejuvenating energies of the body to flow freely.


This is meant mainly for eye diseases. A blockage is built with black gram paste around the yes from the bridge of the nose to the tip of the brows. The eyes should be kept closed and the medicine, warmed by water bath is poured up to the level to immerse till the eye lashes. It is found useful in cataract, conjunctivitis, falling of eyelashes and naso lachrymal blocks.


A gentle, synchronized massage is carried out under a constant flow of warm herbal oil. It relieves muscular diseases, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, lumbago, sciatica, hemiplegia etc.


Medicinal oil is applied on the head and body followed by gentle massage. This is useful to maintain health of body and mind. This is found effective in fatigue, vata disorder, vision impairments, insomnia and improves the complexion of the skin.


This is a process by which the whole body or specific part is made to sweat by the application of certain medicinal puddings made of Navara rice etc., tied up as boluses in a clean cotton cloth. This is highly effective in polio, cerebral palsy, muscular atrophy and hypertrophy.